In February we continued to make strong progress toward achieving our goals for Quadrant. Specifically, our efforts have been focused on sales and gaining customers for our data solutions, with positive results. We continued to sign new partnerships this month, growing Quadrant’s revenue base and providing further validation of our business model. We have also continued to play a leading role in broad conversations about the data economy, with a well-attended event and our CEO featured in the media.
Quadrant community event
Location data was the theme of Quadrant’s latest event hosted at our Singapore headquarters: “Better Data, Better Decisions, Better Outcomes -- Make the right Decisions with the Right Data.” Roger Ganga, who leads Quadrant’s Data Science team, used personal anecdotes to illustrate the kind of problem -- where businesses need to better understand where to locate their services -- that drives financial services companies to look at location data insights. Senior Data Consultant Glenn Harrison explained how we researched and provided a case study that determined where to best place new ATMs in downtown Los Angeles, a major hub for the U.S.-based Union Bank.

Judging by the packed, standing-room only audience and insightful back-and-forth at question time, not to mention the highly-engaged post-presentation networking, we are proud to call the February 21 event a success. We are grateful to the dozens of people, from data scientists to data buyers and data sellers, who turned out and helped make it an evening to remember.
Read the full event recap here.
Quadrant team in the media
Our CEO Mike Davie continues to be a leader in speaking about the realities and the potential of the data space. He was featured in a Business Times piece welcoming in the Year of the Pig, discussing the importance of data. On 12th February Mike argued in EJ Insight that China should focus on data transparency in its efforts to crack down on fake data. On 20th February he was interviewed by Singapore’s Money FM 89.3, where he spoke about the need for transparency in the data economy. And on the 25th he was featured in the Singapore Business Review explaining the importance of high-quality data for the economy of the city.
Mike is not the only member of the team to be featured in the media. Director of Engineering Barkha Jasani was featured in the magazine People Matters discussing the impact blockchain technology can have on fields such as HR. You can read the piece here.
Momentum continues to build
In addition to the progress we’ve made in the past month, we have a number of promising initiatives in the pipeline that we expect to publicly announce soon. These include product updates, additional partnerships, and business milestones. Stay tuned to this blog for some high-profile announcements in the coming weeks.
March promises to be another exciting month
Quadrant continues to build on its successes to date and generate strong momentum, both on the business and product sides. We are a growing, revenue-generating business with a dedicated, expanding team and an ever-widening group of data customers in Asia and the U.S. More positive milestones lie ahead in the coming months.
As always, we are grateful to our customers and the members of our community for your continued support. We are well on the way to reaching our larger goals as an organisation, and we thank you for being part of the journey.
Best Regards,
The Quadrant Team