Solution Brief: Building custom POI datasets with Geolancer

Picture of Saif Kakakhel

Point-of-Interest (POI) data is critical for executing operations in a host of industries. Even companies that do not directly rely on POI data utilise it for deriving actionable intelligence to improve performance.

The challenge most of these businesses have is that off-the-shelf and web-scraped POI datasets are riddled with outdated and inaccurate information. Most POI data providers offer one-size-fits all datasets and fail to provide data that is relevant to different types of use cases and applications.

We've put together a solution brief discussing these challenges and solving them using Geolancer, Quadrant's very own POI Data-as-a-Service platform.

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Problems inherent in traditional POI databases

Most POI databases are generated through web scraping or crowdsourcing techniques – processes that yield vast proportions of inaccurate information because they rely on public platforms that are updated infrequently. Government directories also contain POI data, but the information is limited to certain categories and is not actively refreshed.  

The aforementioned solutions are limited because they only provide basic attributes like name, geo-coordinates, and address. Businesses that need custom metadata (e.g., pick-up and drop-off points for ridesharing and food-delivery companies) must purchase third party data to fulfil their needs -- and such data might not even be available on the market.

From the Solution Brief: Working with a sample of data collected and verified through Geolancer in Southeast Asia, we have found that 59.5% of locations were too far from their listed coordinates, had rebranded, or no longer existed.

The merits of Geolancer  

Quadrant is determined to remap the world by actively collecting and storing information on locations across all categories. Geolancer, the mobile application that drives our POI Data-as-a-Service, offers accurate, comprehensive, and frequently updated POI data. Geolancers across the globe scour their neighborhoods to collect basic and custom POI metadata in return for EQUAD, a cryptocurrency issued by Quadrant’s blockchain arm, Quadrant Protocol.

Geolancers can collect any sort of data points specified in a client brief – allowing Quadrant to facilitate specific use cases for our customers. Examples of custom data that we’ve collected include pick-up and drop-off points, types of plugs on EV charging stations, photos of apartments and condominium facades, and storefront pictures.  

After a POI is collected, it must be verified by another Geolancer before it is added to our database. Afterwards, our in-house quality assurance team analyses each data point to assess its accuracy. When incorrect or incomplete data is found, submissions are rejected, and the POIs are made available for other Geolancers for reverification. By comparing our data to databases generated by standard tools, we have confirmed that Geolancer delivers far greater quality – which is a testament to the effectiveness of our multi-stage verification mechanism.  

As of now, Geolancer is live in four Southeast Asian countries, and we are working to launch the platform in another six globally by the end of the year. Our ambitious expansion plans are fueled by demand in Europe and North America after successfully meeting the expectations of clients across several industries. Our rewards-based model ensures that we can rapidly scale in any market – attracting a vast number of new Geolancers within days. Moreover, as part of the Appen family, we can harness the power of an existing network of 1 million contributors spread across 170 countries.  

Geolancer: Success Stories  


A ridesharing company with operations in Singapore wanted to enrich their database with pick-up and drop-off points. After receiving their existing database, we launched a campaign in which Geolancers verified and updated these locations. This information, along with more than 4000 pictures and other metadata we supplied, allowed the customer to improve their average ratings through quicker pick-ups and drop-offs.  


Mapping and navigation  

We are engaged in an ongoing project for a tech company that offers mapping and navigation services. Our platform is providing the customer with a holistic overview of the changes induced in the business landscape because of the COVID-19 pandemic.  We have collected and verified thousands of POIs for them and corrected 18% of their old database in the process.  


Real Estate  

A leading digital real estate platform partnered with us to procure custom attributes (such as street views) and verify the geo-coordinates listed in their existing residential POI database. In doing so, they secured granular information that improved their property valuation and intelligence platform – thereby providing buyers, renters, and investors with knowledge that facilitates more informed decision making. 

To learn more about how manual POI data collection works and how Geolancer has a distinct advantages over traditional POI solutions, download our solution brief




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